Artificiële Intelligentie & Machine Learning in Recruitment

Een overzicht van nieuwe slimme technologieën die in recruitment worden toegepast met namen van partijen en leveranciers in alfabetische volgorde en hun toepassingen of live voorbeelden (tussen haakjes vermeld).

Artificiële Intelligentie & Machine Learning Robots

  • 8vance; Virtuele Recruitment Assistent (Nederlands product)

“Vertel AIMA één keer wat je zoekt en zij vindt binnen no time meer en betere talenten. Meer, omdat AIMA overal naar talenten zoekt in verschillende databases en op sociale netwerken. Beter, omdat AIMA de kandidaten analyseert en matcht met jouw vacature.”

  • Arya – World’s first AI recruiting platform

“Become more knowledgeable about candidates by letting Arya do the sourcing — using advanced analytics and machine learning to populate your pipeline with the top talent who are the best fit for the job.”

  • Brilent – AI candidate prospecting

“Brilent helps companies automatically identify the highest-value candidates for their open jobs in seconds instead of hours and days.”

Video: AI vs Human Recruiting Competition (2017). The goal was to accurately identify hires from thousands of candidates for a given set of jobs

  • Talent Market Insights and Strategic Workforce Analytics
  • Eightfold: AI-powered source-to-hire Talent Intelligence Platform


“Entelo Envoy combines the best of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to help you automate sourcing tasks and reach the best candidates, faster”

  • Hunting Gizmo; automates the entire screening process, from reviewing resumes to interviewing candidates to deciding whether to approve them for the next stage.

“Watson is een supercomputer die ontwikkeld is door het Amerikaanse bedrijf IBM. Hij kan een in spreektaal gestelde vraag interpreteren en na een zoektocht door een verzameling van encyclopedieën, boeken, tijdschriften, wetenschappelijke artikelen en gedownloade websites binnen enkele seconden een goed antwoord op de vraag geven.” Bron: Wikpedia

IBM Watson Recruitment Software kenmerken:

  1. Prioriteriseren van vacatures
  2. Kandidaat scoring en ranking
  3. Arbeidsmarkt analyse en sentiment
  • Loxo; Artificial Intelligence Recruitment Automation Software

“AI-powered product suite guides recruiters to the perfect candidate match every time, while cutting out 80% of the work.”

“Accurate candidate performance predictions powered by artificial intelligence”

  • OpenAI ChatGPT: writes job descriptions and interview questions
  • Paradox: Meet the AI assistant for recruiting built to save you time and money. She can screen candidates, schedule interviews, answer questions, and more in seconds.
  • Seedlink (oa. L’Oreal, Ford, Praxair, Merck)

“We apply an algorithm to analyze high volume language data that accurately identifies candidates with the right culture fit to a specific role, department and company.”

Interesting Whitepaper: Science Behind Seedlink 2019 (PDF 1,2 MB)

  • Seekout: Tap into hundreds of millions of candidates, including specialized pools, with powerful search to narrow the list to your exact specifications.
  • Robot Vera

“Vera will find resumes, call the potential employees and hold an interview.”

native candidate recommendation and engagement service, powered by artificial intelligence”

  • Skeeled; Artificial Intelligence Based Recruitment Software
  •; Analyseert Nederlandse en Engelstalige vacatureteksten op sterke en zwakke punten.
  • Textkernel Extract! 4.0 (Nederland); Deep Learning gebaseerde cv-parser ofwel geautomatiseerde cv-verwerking
  • Textmetrics (Nederland); Op basis van machine learning en kunstmatige intelligentie levert Textmetrics real-time tekstsuggesties die beoogde doelgroepen aanspreken
  • “VCV is an AI-powered Robot-Recruiter that searches for candidates, calls them with questions using voice recognition, and then invites them to record a video interview.”
  • AI Personal Assistant Who Schedules Meetings For You

Niet meer actief:

  • Carriere inspirator (USG)
  • AI powered personal assistants that take notes for you during calls.
  • ENGAGE Talent: AI-powered platform combining Talent Mapping, Competitive Intelligence, Proactive Sourcing, and Outbound Recruiting in one.
  • Frrole DeepSense; automate your candidate evaluation at the top of the funnel by analysing candidates using just their email address.
  • HireHunt; Applicant Tracking and Interactive Screening powered by AI


“We use artificial intelligence to automate candidate matching, increase diversity, reduce time to fill jobs, analyze the social web, and unlock the power of your ATS, CRM, and HRIS data, increasing efficiency by 10X or more.”

  • Human (
  • JamieAi; AI-powered market place, aimed at Data Professionals
  • Joonko: an automated diversity recruiting layer to any ATS that allows you to spend less time on sourcing random potential candidates and more time building meaningful interactions with qualified and diverse applicants who are ready for the job.
  • Tigon Recruiter: source within a talent pool of 800+ million people across 130 data sources with verified phone numbers and emails. Then, combining thousands of data points, to score candidates’ likelihood to make a move (AI). And finally, reaching out to selected candidates with a personal, automated, message sequence.
  • Wade & Wendy : Recruiting on autopilot

PS. Mis je een slimme toepassing of een leverancier? Toevoegingen zijn welkom! Laat een reactie achter. Delen is vermenigvuldigen 🙂

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